This is a technical report detailing the degree to which the Crypto Unicorns has engaged with Moonstream’s smart contracts on Polygon mainnet. We are sharing this data publicly for transparency.

If you want learn more about this data or about our platform, ask us on Moonstream Discord.

The Moonstream platform smart contracts that Crypto Unicorns is currently using are:

  1. Terminus
  2. Dark Forest
  3. Dropper

The data (along with Moonstream API SQL queries that produced that data) is in the relevant sections below. One metric that we track is eventful transactions. An eventful transaction is a transaction that occurred on the blockchain that fired an event from the corresponding platform contract, even if it didn’t directly interact with that contract.

(Original gist:

Terminus: 0x99A558BDBdE247C2B2716f0D4cFb0E246DFB697D

All interactions by month:

The table below counts the total number of interactions with the Crypto Unicorns Terminus contract on the Polygon blockchain by month.


 block_month | eventful_transactions
 2022-01     |                    94
 2022-02     |                  6195
 2022-03     |                 60679
 2022-04     |                  8460
 2022-05     |                 24407
 2022-06     |                 17306
 2022-07     |                  2559


SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(polygon_labels.block_timestamp), 'YYYY-MM') as block_month,
    count(polygon_labels.transaction_hash) as eventful_transactions
    FROM polygon_labels
WHERE polygon_labels.address = '0x99A558BDBdE247C2B2716f0D4cFb0E246DFB697D'AND polygon_labels.label = 'moonworm-alpha'AND polygon_labels.label_data->>'type' = 'event'GROUP BY
    TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(polygon_labels.block_timestamp), 'YYYY-MM');

Transactions by month:

The table below counts the total number of transactions (and the number of successful transactions) that were made directly on the Crypto Unicorns Terminus contract on the Polygon blockchain by month.
